January 2022


Happy New Year!

Evergreen Ironing will be resuming service from Monday 24th January, 2022.

A turbulent start to the year, full of uncertainties as well as perveived and real fears barely a month into 2022. How then do we sincerely pronounce happy tidings to one another. By sheer faith and a desire for things to work out perhaps or a dogged perseverance despite all odds?

One way or another, the New Year is here and with it a hope that what we've endured and learned in the past two years will somehow propel us into a better future.

Waiting for the pandemic to play itself out in its full 24/7 news coverage glory while we put our lives on hold does not seem to be an option. Kids need to go to school, work needs to be done, loved ones need to be held in our arms and reminded of our affection. Life needs to go on.

So we may face the coming year with some sense of trepidation, but overall an overwhelming sense of determination. To serve, to do our best, and to persevere.

December 2021


Christmas Dates Advice

Please note that Evergreen Ironing will be closing Friday 24th of December 2021 to reopen Monday 24th of January 2022.

Our last pick up day of 2021 will be Wednesday 22nd December, for delivery Friday 24th December.
Evergreen Ironing closes down for four weeks over Christmas. It is the time of year when most of our customers are away, we hope our absence will cause the least inconvenience, as our ironers get the opportunity to enjoy a holiday with their families.

Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Christmas holiday season.

Evergreen Ironing Newsletter

To get a copy of our Newsletter click here

Evergreen Ironing Wall Calendar

To get a copy of our Wall calendar click here

June 2021


Melbourne Lockdown Update

Hello dear customers,

We hope you are well and coping with the latest lockdown in the best way possible.

EVERGREEN IRONING will resume service starting Friday 4th of June having briefly closed down for 7 days whilst the latest outbreak is being chased down and contained.

We can confirm that under the current government guidelines, we are able to trade and you can be comfortable in the knowledge that we are doing everything possible to keep you and our staff safe.

Our well tested procedures established through previous lockdowns are back in place.

  • Contactless pick-up and delivery.
  • Sanitising and strict hygiene procedures followed whilst handling your garments.
  • Ironers working from home.
  • Wearing of face coverings and washing of hands stepped up and adhered to.

We hope the interruption to our service has not caused too much inconvenience.

Masks are available from our shop shop.osca.com.au/collections/masks and can be posted to you or delivered with your next delivery.

May 2021


7 day lockdown - temporary suspension of service

Dear Evergreen Ironing customers,

Due to the lockdown announced today, and for your and our team’s safety, we are suspending our service until 11.59pm Thursday 3rd June.

Any work in process we will aim to deliver tonight.

Normal pick up’s and deliveries will resume from Friday 4th June. We'll let you know if anything changes.

We appreciate your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience during this upcoming period.

Stay safe!

This is also a timely reminder that we have 100% cotton face masks available should you need. The masks have been custom made especially for OSCA in 2020. They are comfortable, washable offer a full face cover and have been extensively tested during the last couple of lockdowns.

Osca 100% Cotton Face Masks


Happy Mothers Day!

To all mums and especially OSCA and Evergreen Ironing customers.

It has been a long tradition at OSCA to mark the occasion with a small gift to say "We are thinking of you and this is a small way of saying 'Thank You' for your loyal custom and support through the year".

These gifts are put together by the OSCA team. Delivered in re-usable, environmentally responsible paper bags. The gift is a small potted pansy. Pansies are a very rewarding plant and will flower till Christmas when planted in the ground or a larger pot and watered regularly. Cutting out the cards, threading and curling ribbon gives us a hands on experience and time to contemplate on why we are doing it. Besides, putting our good thoughts and energy to a happy and rewarding task makes the world a better place don't you agree?

See a video of how the gifts are put together here - How to make the perfect Mothers Day gift or click the image link below.


The Perfect Mothers Day Gift

Jan 2021


Happy New Year! Welcome to 2021

Evergreen Ironers are back from Monday 25th January. Best wishes for the year ahead!


There are potentially dangerous temperatures of 43C forecast for Monday. Please take care of yourselves.

We would like to make sure our (your) ironers are also considered and will not be expecting them to iron in such hot temperatures. We hope you understand. As a result, we may need to defer some baskets to another day (later delivery date).


  • More items to be ironed - After the holidays, basket volumes are greater.

  • A public holiday on Tuesday - This one is OK. Evergreen ironers have offered to work on the day.

  • Extreme heatwave forecast for Monday - For safety reasons we are advising the ironers not to iron in the extreme heat.

  • Limited number of ironers - Due to 2020 Covid19 lockdowns and social distancing, we were not able to recruit or train new ironers during last year so we are short of staff entering 2021. (Fear not, we are currently recruiting and training so this issue will be resolved soon.)


If it is not urgent, please defer your pick up until the following week 1 Feb 2021.

If you have ironing to be picked up on Monday, please allow for a Friday delivery instead of Wednesday. This will give us the time to manage the bookings by re-allocating the ironing days and making sure the ironers remain safe and all the weeks ironing is processed by weeks end.

Thank you for your understanding. We will advise you on Monday as to when you should expect your ironing to be delivered this week.

Nov 2020


Sunday Musings

Now that we’ve taken a giant step towards a new ‘covid normal’ here in Melbourne, is it time to start making long term plans again?

I wonder what we’ll take away from the lockdown. What will be the thing that will stick in our minds as a defining moment of the crisis? Will it be the stuff ups, the politicisation, the honesty, the tragedy, the compliance, the amazing front line workers, the sacrifices people have made or the incredible way we have collectively embraced the restrictions to achieve the impossible - zero daily cases and zero covid related deaths. Something that seemed impossible just a few weeks ago.

What will we miss?

I will miss the quiet of the curfew evening without the constant distant hum of the traffic.

What will we welcome?

The sound of children at school and playgrounds. Visiting our family and friends or just the simple pleasure of having breakfast and coffee at the local café.

What will we keep?

Mindfulness, social distancing and masks, the pleasure of visiting our local park, the opportunity to rediscover our families.

What will we remember?

The announcement of the lifting of the restrictions and the emotion in the Premier’s voice perhaps.

"Where were you when the restrictions were lifted?
At home.”

One thing is for sure, things will never be the same again and we may need for some time to pass before these questions clarify themselves. We have an opportunity to make a better world for ourselves and for our children. Will we take it or just slide back to the way things were always done. The choice is ours to make.


Oct 2020


Sunday 18 October 2020

Is it time to pop the champagne corks yet? If the internet is right, the attire of our premier signals the news he's about to announce. The moment Daniel Andrews stepped out in his North Face jacket today, we relaxed.

Sure,the restrictions easing annnounced may not have been as much as we had all hoped for, but the fact there were some, spells out 'Congratulations Melbourne'. What an amazing job we've all done.

Watching the new case numbers clime exponentially in Europe is a good indicator of where the 700 daily cases in Victoria could have gone or could go if we were to open up more quickly. Just one truck driver threw a spanner into the works for country Victoria so clearly we are not out of the woods yet but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and we may yet enjoy a Christmas like no other. Who would have thought this time last year that all the things we were complaining about - crowded shopping malls, gridlocked traffic, noisy parties and overcrowded coastal resorts would be something we would dearly welcome just a year later.

Closer to home, we are still able to continue to deliver our service. That is good news for all of you who need us at the moment, our staff who are still employed and of course our business that although with greatly reduced bookings still operates and looks in great shape to pick up as soon as the current lockdown ends.



With a COVID Safe plan, Evergreen Ironing remains open for business.

Your ironers are all healthy, grateful for your loyal custom and employed. Thank you.



Evergreen Ironing will be closed for service on Friday 23rd October for Grand Final Public Holiday.

Sep 2020



Father Dan has spoken, on the 78th day in a row and the news for Melbourne was good. 14 new cases. Unfortunately, there are still people dying and our hearts go out to their families and loved ones. In hindsight we may understand what could have been done better, but all kudos to premier Daniel Andrews and the 6 million people working with him to get to the other side.

Watching the second wave numbers in Europe reminds me of where we could have gone when our numbers reached 700 and yet here we are. 14. Let me say that again 14. A great community effort. Well done everyone.

I wonder if it is yet time to put a bottle of bubbly in the fridge ready for next weekend when some restrictions are due to be lifted. Or shall we just wait and see - cautiously - and enjoy the flutters of expectation.

I for one will miss the traffic, or the lack there of, I should say. Being one of the privileged, having had good reason to be out on the road around Melbourne for the past few weeks, for a moment Melbourne had just enough traffic for our infrastructure. I guess that will be something I will take with me beyond the lockdown as the roads fill with traffic again.

The business is doing well or as well as one could hope. We’re still here and still employing everyone. In fact, it has been rather a pleasure to run the ‘not so busy’ business without the usual pressures.

We have taken the opportunity to get to some projects we otherwise would not have. Our ironing webpages have had an upgrade. We’ve created a new Melbourne Ironing Directory and there is a handful of new videos on shirting fabric weaves almost ready.

Currently we are also awaiting a shipment of made for OSCA, 100% cotton hand woven, hand sewn, washable, re-usable face masks and sporting five different colours. We will let you know as soon as they have arrived.

And finally. Many, many thanks to you all for your custom and support that got us through this far. The light at the end of the tunnel and the general mood is getting brighter along with the Spring weather.

It looks like we are going to make it Melbourne!

Kindly Yours,


Aug 2020



With a COVID Safe plan, Evergreen Ironing remains open.

Your ironers are all healthy, grateful for your loyal custom and employed. Thank you.

We have posted some new videos to youtube: Care Labels Explained, History of Weaving, Weaving. Click the links or watch them below. Enjoy!


Adversity makes us stronger.

This week has illustrated exactly why Melbourne has often been referred to as the most livable city.

There is a long list. The best drinking water, the tree lined suburban streets, the parklands, the Coffee! Now we can add 'the community'.

There has been a palatable shift that has come with stage 4 restrictions. Collectively, our fear is turning into determination. Collectively we are learning to own the fight against the virus.

When we act as a community and give more thought to others than ourselves we become resilient.

Go Melbourne


"Care Labels Explained" on Youtube:

Care Labels Explained


"History of Weaving" on Youtube:

History of Weaving


"Weaving" on Youtube:




We hope you are well and staying safe.

Many customers have been asking whether we are able to continue to trade.

Under STAGE 4 restrictions, Evergreen Ironing remains OPEN with a strict COVID SAFE PLAN.

We pick-up and deliver Ironing, Dry-Cleaning and Laundry. As part of the Dry-Cleaning and Laundry industry, we are able to continue to trade.

Your ironing goes directly from your home to the ironers home.

Strict hygiene practices and frequent hand washing are the new standard.

Your baskets and all work surfaces and equipment are sanitised before and after ironing.

Contactless pick-up and delivery.

Please leave your basket out for the pick-up and a rack for your hanging items for delivery. If you require a hanging rack, please contact us and we will supply you with one.

At the first sign of illness, your ironer is required to self-isolate, get tested and seek advice from their doctor before resuming work.

Your ironer is required to wear a face mask while ironing.

We may ask to extend your booking by 48 hours to make sure your ironing is done to the usual expected quality.

We would like to thank you for your ongoing custom and especially for your understanding and generous support.

Our priority is to continue to maintain our operations while we can, keep our staff employed and continue to provide our service as you need.

Stay safe!


This past week has probably been the hardest so far in the sense of the feeling of hopelessness as we wait for Premier Daniel Andrews to announce the latest tragic toll. Each day our hearts and prayers reach out to the families of those who have lost loved ones to the raging COVID menace and admire the tenacity and dedication of our front-line heroes.

Each day we wonder whether the next level of restrictions will bring about some sense of relief to our Melbourne community as we collectively adapt, make new plans and fight to defeat the virus. Each day our determination grows stronger. We can do this.

The virus is very talented in exposing and taking advantage of weaknesses in processes, systems and behaviour. Humans on the other hand happen to be very talented at adapting. We have six weeks to prove the point. Around the world, countries that have adopted a stricter lockdowns are faring better so there is some hope in looking forward. The way to defeat this menace is to be the smart ones - individually and collectively - and eliminate any opportunity for it to spread.



DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services Victoria COVID-19 Daily update


Watch this video to get a sense of the reality of what our frontline heroes have to endure in their effort to keep us safe.


Jul 2020



Evergreen Ironing is cautiously re-opening this Monday 27th July.

At this time, your ironers are well and healthy.

The wearing of masks in public, along with social distancing and diligent hygiene is the best way of controlling the spread of the virus. Our own observations, customer feedback, the introduction of mandatory mask wearing and seeing how Melburnians have responded has given us to confidence to resume providing our service.

Studying the Melbourne map of COVID19 infections based on case figures published daily on the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) website over the last two weeks shows that some areas of Melbourne are more affected than others.


One week suspension

We would like to assure you that Evergreen Ironing does not provide service in the geographical areas that are recording the highest case increases. Nor do we visit, drive through or get our supplies from those areas.


Increased hygiene practices while handling your ironing.

Your Ironers are working from the safety of their own home.

Your ironers are provided with and encouraged to wear face masks while ironing, thoroughly wash hands before and after handling your ironing.

The driver travels directly to the customers (contactless pick up and delivery) and back to base without stopping for anything else along the way to avoid any potential contact or contamination.


The virus is coated with fat. Once the fat is dissolved in a soapy hot wash, the virus falls apart, becomes ineffective and washes away with water.

An iron heats to 180 to 200 degrees. Steam from an iron penetrates fabric at a temperature of over 200 degrees. Enough to sanitise your garments whilst in our care.


One week suspension


Dear Osca Customers,

We would like to personally thank you for your positive and encouraging notes of support. Your feedback helps to guide our decision making.

As you know, we have suspended providing our service for the past week as a precaution following a spike in numbers of confirmed COVID19 cases in Melbourne.

Unfortunately, the situation has not become better with over 363 cases reported just today (19.7.2020).

Considering also, our responsibility for the physical and mental wellbeing of our staff we have asked them to remain home for one more week.

As a result of these events, OSCA will be closed for one more week.

If you already have a confirmed booking for this coming week, our sincere apologies, the situation is not exactly in our control.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes and hope to resume as normal next Monday 27th of July. Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

As inconvenient as it is, we believe that in the long term it is better for all of us in Melbourne to just hang in there until the authorities get on top of this current outbreak. Stay safe everyone, we will get through this together.




Melbourne has recorded over a thousand new cases of COVID19 in the last week. As a community, we all have a responsibility to minimize the opportunity for the virus to spread.

Just to re-assure you, Evergreen Ironing is able to continue providing our service under stage three restrictions. We have put in place sufficient hygiene and process measures to be comfortable that we are doing so safely. If you like, Stage 3 compliant.

However, these are anxious times and with a view of the well being of you our customers, and our ironing angels we have decided to suspend our service for the next week as a precaution.

One week suspension

We appreciate that this is very short notice and apologise for any inconvenience this will cause you. We are trying to do the right thing by everyone.

Evergreen Ironing is planning to resume our service the following week, beginning Monday 20th July as normal. However, this is a day by day changing and uncertain situation so we will let you know if anything changes.


If your ironing is currently with us, we will be delivering as per your usual day and time.



By now we’ve all heard the news that Melbourne is going back to stage 3 restrictions.

During the first time we were in stage 3, we have adopted additional hygiene measures and new procedures to safeguard the wellbeing of you, our customers and our staff.

COVID 19 Updates

We have not relaxed the measures even during the easing of restrictions. Better hygiene is always a good idea. In fact we have adopted the new way permanently.

Be assured
we are even more diligent right now!

At the moment, we are taking things day by day as circumstances are changing very quickly. We may at short notice decide to close down for two weeks as we did earlier in the year. Until things settle and we can have peace of mind again.

Of course, we will text you to let you know.

You and our ironers are paramount in our decisions.

Jun 2020



As part of our COVID-19 Phoenix Plan we have teed up with one of our local traders to value add to the service we provide to you.

Angelo's Nuts

Angelo runs a family business at the Bulleen Plaza

Having know Angelo for more than 20 years, he is a trusted source of Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruit and berries.

Angelo's Nuts

You can order directly from our online shop for a free deliver with your next ironing delivery.

The Nut Man of Bulleen.


"How to Iron a pair of Chinos demonstrated by Eve" on Youtube:

How to Iron a pair of Chinos demonstrated by Eve

May 2020



On behalf of ourselves and our ironers, we would like to express our gratitude for your ongoing support as we navigate this unprecedented time together.

Yes, we have experienced a downturn in our bookings. However, your custom is providing a vital lifeline to our business as we continue to trade and provide employment for our staff. We really appreciate it.

Our top priority continues to be your safety and wellbeing as well as that of our staff while we persist in maintaining strict hygiene practices in handling your garments.


"How to Iron a Polo Shirt demonstrated by Eve" on Youtube:

How to Iron a Polo Shirt demonstrated by Eve

April 2020


"How to Iron a shirt for a teleconference while working from home" on Youtube:

How to Iron a shirt for a teleconference while working from home


Osca is on Youtube. Check out our first video of a simple how to iron a shirt tutorial.

How to Iron a shirt basic tutorial by Osca


Dear Evergreen Ironing customers,

We hope you are happy and healthy. Thank you for the recent opportunity to, especially on behalf of our ironing team, reassess where we all fit in to the new normal.

The latest advice we have is that Daniel Andrews has extended the stage 3 restrictions till May 11th.

Evergreen Ironing resumes on the 20th of April as previously advised.

Having implemented a number of new improvements to how we operate, we are confident that we can safely continue to provide our service under stage 3 restrictions.

Ironing pick-up:

Please leave your basket of ironing in the usual place. Our driver will pick up your ironing and immediately wipe down the handles and outer surfaces when placing the basket in the van. If you don’t have a cover cloth, one will be put over the garments in your basket for extra protection. For peace of mind, you will receive a text message to say your ironing has been picked up.

Ironer hygiene:

Your ironer works from home. The day starts with washing of hands and wiping down of all ironing equipment and surfaces with methylated spirits. Each ironer only handles one customer basket at a time, washing hands before and after the handling of any one customer’s ironing.

Delivery vehicle:

The interior of the delivery vehicles is sanitised before and after each pick-up and delivery run and of course, kept spotless. The door handles are sprayed and wiped with methylated spirits.

Ironing Delivery:

Usually, our driver will leave your completed ironing in the same location where they picked up from. It would be great if you can provide a clothes’ rack for the hanging items, we don’t have enough room in the vehicles to carry a spare rack for every delivery.


There will come a day when COVID-19 will be defeated. However, things will most likely never return to how they were before the outbreak so we have been peering into our crystal ball and imagining how, when and what so we are ready.


For the last 35 years, we have been developing the art of ironing and we are pretty good at it. Perhaps it is time to share our skills in the shape of ironing instruction videos. It is something we can see ourselves doing looking forwards. We have an excellent product and a global audience. To that end we have used the short break to create our first sample video. Let us know what you think. Your opinion and suggestions are very valuable to us.

While you continue to use our service, we have an infinite variety of garments to choose from and you never know, one of our videos might be of your favourite garment!


Now that we are stuck in our homes, it is not so easy to pop out for that favourite thing. Well, we already deliver your ironing and adding products from trusted sources may be a way of giving you extra service, while helping out some local traders at the same time.


Angelo runs a Fresh Nut shop in Bullen. Having known Angelo for over twenty years, he qualifies as a trusted source. Angelo only sources nuts and dried fruits from local Victorian and Australian growers and is very particular about the quality. Recently, his trade has tanked and we would love to help him out by introducing his products to you. Angelo is a trusted source of fresh nuts and dried fruits and we can deliver to you on his behalf.

Currently we are working on how best to give you remote access to his products and will let you know in the next couple of weeks.

Angelo's Nuts


Les runs a fine wine and liquor store in North Balwyn. Having also known Les for over 20 years, he is another trusted source. Les has been in the industry all his life and knows where to find that bottle of wine you’ve been looking for. We would love to introduce you and he would welcome the opportunity. Likewise, we are in discussion with Les on how we can best give you remote access to his products. We have checked and it is legal for us to deliver on his behalf.

Les' Fine Wines

March 2020



Dear Evergreen Ironing Customers,

We hope you are well and healthy and keeping it together.

After careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that we need to take some ‘time out’.

We will be temporarily suspending our service for two weeks, starting next week, 6th of April to coincide with the last week of school holidays and Easter. Usually a time when our service is not in high demand so as to cause the least inconvenience.

Events and changes have been happening at a breakneck speed recently and everyone, especially our ironers, are physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted and frankly, could do with some ‘time out’. Just to catch our breath and have a bit of time to reflect on what has been going on and what it all means. Something we could all do with right now.

Starting next week, our service will be suspended for two weeks from
Monday 6th of April to Friday the 17th of April

We have been able to weather the storm so far and continue to keep the business running and all our ironers employed, having introduced new measures such as strict hygiene protocols, white glove service, ironers working from home, social distancing and contact-less pick-up and delivery. Our responsibility to your health, that of our ironers and their families and, of course, our own family is paramount.

Right now, we, and our ironers are all healthy and we aim to resume our service on Monday April 20th, subject to any further restrictions announced by the government.

Apologies for the inconvenience, we hope you understand that this is something we need to do at the moment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To keep you informed over the course of this crisis, we will be texting you when our web page has been updated with any new information.


Evergreen Ironing coronavirus updates:
Coronavirus Update Overlay


Evergreen Ironing pick up and delivery procedures:
Evergreen Ironing pick up and delivery procedures



Dear Customer,

Your health and safety and that of our employees is our top priority. We have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 advice and in light of recent developments, have made some additional changes to how we deliver our service.


The World Health Organisation recommends social distancing to help prevent the spread of illness. To this end, we are encouraging contactless pick-up and delivery of your ironing.


Where possible, please leave your ironing where it can be collected by our driver. You will receive a text message when your ironing has been picked up.


Where possible, your ironing will be delivered and left for you. If you can, please provide a hanging rack. You will receive a text message when your ironing has been delivered.

Rest assured we are taking this very seriously and are mindful of our responsibility to keep you informed about any changes or developments.

For more information please visit the Australian Department of Health's COVID-19 Information Page, or the World Health Organisations Advice Page.



Dear Customer,

Like everyone else, we are considering our options in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak in Melbourne.

We have advised our ironers and made preparations for scaling back or closing down for a period of time should that be the advice from the relevant medical authorities.

In such an event, we will notify you by text or email.


We are keeping our staff reliably informed daily, have doubled up on our hygiene awareness and efforts such as washing hands before and after handling and ironing your garments.

Ironing workspaces are kept clean and all surfaces as well as equipment regularly wiped down with sanitising products. We do the same for baskets coming in and out of the workshop.

Rest assured that we are taking extra precautions when handling your ironing and are mindful of the responsibility to keep you informed.

"Empowered by Osca"

© Copyright EVERGREEN IRONING 2022